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Special Guest - Kelley Jimison: How She Found Purpose in the Pain of a Crumbling Marriage

Kelley Jimison moved to the East Cobb area from Smyrna 18 months ago. Kelley juggles a multitude of roles (please tell us how, Kelley)! She works as a Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (CPNP), co-leads a local chapter of RiseUp 4 Christ, volunteers at her children's schools, and is active in her church and community, all while being a mom of six (yes, six)! Kelley shares her walk through a painful divorce. If you know Kelley, you know she is an example of courage, openness, and truth. Read on to hear the trials that helped her become that person.

There was a time in my life - not that long ago - when the world got the best of me. I was in an emotionally abusive marriage with devastating finances. Shame about poorly made decisions had hardened my heart. My hard heart had created a life without authenticity as I tried to keep people at a distance and my problems under wraps. When my heart was hard, my edges were sharp, my tone harsh, and my soul was wounded. The people in my life didn't fully see or know the 'real' me because, like a chameleon, I camouflaged my public self, and all that was 'real' about what was spiraling in my world.

And one day, the bottom broke. I learned of my husband's infidelity. It was a game-changer - or more accurately - a life-changer. This information brought a grief that I had never before experienced. A devastating divorce quickly followed and life as I had known it quickly unraveled. I was more vulnerable than I had ever been before.

Being vulnerable meant exposing my true self and incurring judgement from others that inevitably came as my marriage crumbled and 'ours' became 'his' and 'hers.'

The exposure - the vulnerability - did not come easy for me. But when one's husband has been unfaithful, what else is left, really, other than to be real?

As for my children, it was the first time ever, my three little girls had seen me come to my knees in despair. Fear, sadness and grief gripped our household with a steady fierceness that would not let go.

Our family unit had broken. We sold our home and moved into an apartment. I became the sole caretaker and provider for the four of us. I wanted things to remain as normal as possible for the girls, so I sheltered them from the reality of our grave situation as much as I possibly could.

I feared they would see my many failures as weakness.

But you know what happened?

As time went on, we began to heal. Slowly, we began to repair emotionally. We became healthy again, and our lives began to change. The pace of our day-to-day slowed, and after some time, the sun began to shine again (or at least we finally were able to see the sun again). We were traveling through the storm, we were processing our grief ... and we were doing it together.

The vulnerability that I had at once feared had become a catalyst of health, healing, and greater love.

And you know what else happened?

God came and scooped me right up from where I was. The Holy Spirit carried me through this season of difficulty and after some time, my hard heart burst open.

Looking back, I see now, in all of that pain, there was healing. He knit my broken heart back together.

And as I healed and strengthened, my three little girls healed and strengthened along with me.

Instead of only seeing the pain, the hurt, and the heartbreak, I could now see that God had provided me with an opportunity to change my life. Ironically, through the painful circumstance of my husband's infidelity and our divorce, my closed, hardened heart changed, too.

Our lives are quite transparent these days without any hiding, shame, or guilt. I can allow love in and I can pour love out on to others. Being vulnerable is no longer scary or weak; it's simply part of who I am and how I reveal my true self to others.

I have found freedom in vulnerability which has led to authenticity in my life.

The really surprising part of my story? After some time passed, God gifted me with a loving man whom I now call my husband. Our once small family of four has grown into a big family of eight, and I am privileged to be the Mama and bonus Mama to six children. Our lives are rich and full. We live with Jesus at the center of our lives and we fear nothing (except the grocery bill). Our children are experiencing a stable and steady home with the love of two parents. Our vulnerability has led to a level of intimacy that binds our family together. These family bonds continue to strengthen our blended family and give us the latitude to experience life's highs and lows, with togetherness.

The trials were great (and still are), the darkness was unfathomable and the road was long.

But you know what? I wouldn't change it for the world.

Please join me in thanking Kelley for sharing this story publicly. We grow from others' stories. Kelley, thank you for sharing your heart and through your story, showing us the power of a life lived fearing nothing, and yes ... being vulnerable.

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