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Comfort Zones and Couches and Pillows, Oh My!

I love comfortable. And I'm not talking comfortable as in nice, comfy couches or pillows. No, those aren't necessarily my thing. In fact, my family repeatedly asks me why we have furniture as I don't often sit on it (I vacuum, swipe, wipe, scurry, furry, and fret instead). But give me a good 'ol familiar routine, otherwise known as the 'daily grind,' and I am one happy camper. I like the predictable. The known. Many call it boring. I call it safe. Many call it life-sucking. I call it life-saving.

But ... it's also limiting.

My comfort zone (and yours - whatever it may consist of) is really nothing more than a rut. And they say a rut is simply a coffin with the ends kicked out. How's that for a graphic mental picture? Kind of changes the imagery of 'comfortable,' doesn't it?

So, we did something to alter our comfort zone at the beginning of 2018. We made a slight adjustment to our family's 'coffin.' It was a change we had been discussing for the last several years, but one the kids begged us not to make. We kept procrastinating, because ... well ... goodness forbid the kids are unhappy, right?

Right ...?

And truth be told, it was scary for all of us to take make this change - to take this leap.

But ...

We trusted what our instincts had been telling us, put on noise-blocking earphones to negate the whines, cries, pleas, and moans from our children, and made the change.

And guess what?

Our kids were thrilled about the change! One small act of courage in getting out of our family's coffin, in leaving our comfort zone, unlocked a new energy in our children, and as a result, a new energy in our entire family dynamic. (There may be hope for us after all. I am so not even kidding).

So, here's the thing. That darned coffin. It may be comfortable. I know it. It tempts me every day because it is warm, safe, and secure. But it is life-sucking. It is limiting. (I keep repeating this with the hopes it will sink in to my bloodstream).

Let's blow the lids off our coffins one nail at a time, friends. In small ways and big ways.

(Especially my coffin. It has really big nails.)



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