Love Wins.

Blood, tears, sweat, bruises, pain, sorrow, mourning, cease today. Love wins.
A man who was loved by some, feared by more, misunderstood by many, and hated by multitudes, carried his own cross up a hill to be nailed to that very cross for crimes he did not commit. Yet, love wins.
He was whipped, beaten, scorned, kicked, nailed to the cross, and then crowned with a wreath of thorns on his head, left to die. Still, love wins.
Death. The Tomb. Love wins.
He defeated death. He defeated death for us. "Look at my hands," he said. "Do you see the holes from the nails?" "I have come so that you may have life everlasting!"
"Look at my life. Look at my death." Love wins.
Not just today.