I Made A Mistake Last Night ...
I made a big mistake last night. As I lay there sleepless, fretting about the first day of school, I calculated how not young (old!) I will be when our youngest graduates from high school. Simply said, sometimes looking too far into our future is not a good idea. (Especially after googling the cost of canes and medical devices).
As I followed the kids reluctantly up the stairs last night, them dragging their feet with their chins not too far following, we said our night-before-school prayers over teary eyes (don't tell their friends), which happened to be extra, extra long (we have the worry gene here). I'm pretty sure we addressed every first, middle, and last-minute school fear. Hugs were given and alarms were set. And still, we all have canker sores and first-day jitters. Mom included.
After I double and triple checked to ensure backpacks were ready, lunches were packed, I, too, prayed for them over my teary eyes (don't tell my friends) and tried to relinquish all my worries and fears.
Will they have a good year? Help them have a good year.
Will they learn what they need to? Help them listen and learn.
Will they be equipped for the challenges ahead? Lord, give them what they need.
Will they form lasting friendships? Lord, surround them with the right people and friends and help them be the right person and friend.
And then, as we sent them out the door this morning, something pinged my side and told me maybe my thoughts and prayers for them last night were .... well ... a bit shallow at best, and maybe just a bit too trite and a lot too safe for them.
Maybe your prayers for your kids and family are too safe, too?
Why do we put limits on our prayers? Why not risk a bit more (a CRAZY statement coming from this play-it-safe-mom!)?
What if we all went 'deeper' with our wishes, prayers, hopes, and desires -- especially for our children? What if we stopped playing it so safe?
'Deep' means getting in over our heads sometimes. Or at least venturing where we can't touch. And most of us don't like that side of the pool. Heck, I barely get IN the pool, let alone venture to the deep end.
So what about those dreams for our kids? What if my prayers last night looked more like,
"Show them how big you are this year, God."
"Give them an opportunity to show love to another, even when it might be challenging to them."
"Take their faith to a new level this year, God."
"Help them see you in their hurt this year."
"Take our family deeper this year, Lord. Help us go deeper with them and with you in ways we never imagined."
Truth be told, I'm terrified to pray that last one. What if deep feels out of control? (It will). What if deep is hard? (It will be). What if deep is work? (It is).
But deep is also where our faith grows.
Let's jump in together. At least to the 5.5 foot level (I'm 5.4'). How's that for risky?
See you at high school graduation in quite a few years.
I'll be the one using the walker!
Here's to a deep year of growth!
For more on going deep, check out this inspiring message: http://northpoint.org/messages/wishful-thinking/